Contaminated Sites
L&D Contracting has decontaminated more than seventy (70) major sites within the Brisbane Region and we provide a service to remove contaminated soil for treatment or disposal from land listed on the Environmental Management Register (EMR) or Contaminated Land Register (CLR). This service is typically undertaken by the Company where a Disposal Permit has been obtained from the contaminated lands authority and is carried out under the direct supervision of a suitably qualified person (SQP) who has qualifications and experience relevant to the work required and is a member of a prescribed professional organisation.
In addition, and if required, we also provide a suitably qualified person to conduct fieldwork, sampling and analysis, then report including remediation action plan (RAP) and liaise with the contaminated lands authority to obtain disposal permit. Following, the SQP will supervise the site decontamination, validate the site and provide a final site report to our Client for submission to the contaminated land authority (CLA).
During site decontamination works, we establish and maintain vigorous environmental controls of all operations including groundwater and storm water management, sediment and dust controls, and we maintain complete records of traceability from “cradle to grave” including survey, transport vehicle details and disposal weighbridge dockets, all of which are provided to the contaminated lands authority (CLA) upon completion within the final report prepared by the suitably qualified person (SQP).